Wheelchair Clinic
At Confident Living, we offer physical and occupational therapy evaluations to determine the most appropriate equipment to address our clients' mobility needs. This evaluation is performed with the therapist, client, client's caregivers (if applicable), and the client's preferred assistive technology professional (ATP) from a durable medical equipment (DME) supplier. Our clinicians are specially trained to provide detailed evaluations to determine the necessary equipment for our clients. Our clinic has over 20 different styles and brands of wheelchairs for clients to trial. We believe in a consumer-based model and do all we can for clients to be able to "try before you buy" to ensure the right fit for each person's body and lifestyle. From this evaluation, our clinicians develop a customized report and letter of medical necessity (LMN) which is sent to the ordering physician for approval and to the client's equipment supplier to receive insurance approval.
- We have samples of a variety of custom ultralight manual wheelchairs that are customizable to the client's unique preferences and needs.
- Options include both rigid frame, folding frame, tilt-in-space, and stroller style wheelchairs.
- Our clinic houses a variety of models for clients to demo in-clinic, such as Convaid, Ki Mobility, Motion Composites, Quickie, TiLite, and more!
We also have a variety of power wheelchairs including scooters, group 2 power wheelchairs and group 3 power wheelchairs. Please give us a call if you would like additional information. Our clinic houses a variety of models for clients to demo in-clinic, such as AmySystems, Invacare, Merits, Permobil, Pride, Quantum, Quickie, and more!
- We have several power assist options that can be added to a manual wheelchair to reduce the effort required for a client to push, increasing their ability to push long distances and preserve their shoulder function.
- Options include both add-on power assist (ex: Smart Drive, Smoov) and in-wheel power assist. Our clinicians are well-versed in the benefits and drawbacks of each model and can help find the right fit for each client.
- The seating system consists of a backrest, cushion, and any postural supports necessary to maintain optimal posture, provide adequate pressure distribution, and provide comfort to the client using the mobility equipment.
- Our clinic has a variety of options readily available for clients to trial in-person to determine the best option for the individual.
- Our clinicians utilize pressure mapping to assist in decision making. Pressure mapping uses a computer interface to give real-time feedback of pressure distribution to determine the optimal seating system for clients with disabilities who utilize wheelchairs as their primary means of mobility.
- Additionally, we provide custom seating systems for clients with complex shapes and needs when off-the-shelf products will not work.
Depending on the complexity of the equipment to be provided, we recommend a 30-to-60-minute appointment at the time of equipment delivery to ensure order accuracy, customized fit, and customer satisfaction.